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Electro Surgical Generator : Mono Seal Prime
Qty: 1 $2,200.00
Electro Surgical Generator
MODELS - D450V Series represent D450V1
Safety Features
Tissue sensing technology.
Two monopolar outputs.
Endo cut i.e. pulsed cut for cutting polyps.
High-Cut mode for cutting fatty area with ease.
Various coag modes viz. Fulgurate, Soft, Force and Spray.
Power and Mode control through hand switch
Safety features like Patient Plate Contact Monitoring, HF leakage monitoring, Arc control, Auto Stop
Functional Features
Monopolar Cut:
There are 8 modes in AUTO CUT:
4 CUT effects and 4 HIGH CUT effects. HIGH CUT mode is especially useful for tissues with poor electric conduction, such as fatty tissue while CUT mode is
recommended for delicate tissues EFFECTS 1 to 4 give different haemostasis levels. The ENDO CUT program is specially designed for cutting polypectomy and papillotomy. ENDO CUT is an electrosurgical cut which is carried out in
predefined intervals. The ENDO CUT function regulates cutting speed and haemostasis. In this way, a polypectomy loop cannot cut through a polyp at just any speed.
Monopolar Coagulation:
Forced coagulation is the standard coagulation mode.Fulgurate coagulation provides the cut as well as coagulation effect at the same time. This reduces the surgery time. Soft (also known as dessicate) coagulation is contact coagulation with deep effect. This treats tissues gently and reduces the necrosis & tissue adhesion to the electrode.Spray coagulation is ideal for noncontact superficial coagulation.
Bipolar Cut:
Bipolar Cut can be activated with touch of a button by switching to 'b'program.
Bipolar coagulation:
Bipolar coagulation can be operated in manual (activation and deactivation by footswitch) or in automatic modes. In Semi-Auto mode, the activation is manual and the deactivation takes places once coagulation reaches optimum level.In Auto mode, both activation and deactivation are automatic.
You can personalize the power setting and different modes, your all settings
will be stored in memory. There are 10 Programs. Power fail memory: All current settings stored at the time of power fail and are instantly available on switch on of the machine. Automatic self diagnostic startup check will detect common failures like short circuited foot switches, short circuited hand switches and also its own power supply. The errors detected are stored in memory and are useful for service engineer.
The 2+1 pedal footswitch makes it
possible to use bipolar coagulation
and monopolar coagulation without
change of any settings on the
machine. It is also possible to use 2
pedal footswitch.
Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Laparascopy and Cystoscopy
Urology including TUR
Plastic surgery & Dermatology
Pediatric Surgery
Monopolar cut (Auto Cut Effect 4) :300W in 500 Ohms (340 KHz+/-15%)
Haemostasis levels (EFFECTS) : Four
Forced coag. power :120W in 350 Ohms (Pulse Modulated)
Spray coagulation power :120W in 500 Ohms (Pulse Modulated)
Fulgurate power :120W in 500 Ohms (Pulse Modulated)
Soft Coag. Power: 120W in 125 ohms (340 KHz +/-15%)
Auto Bipolar output power
Precise and Macro Mode :120W in 125 Ohms (350 KHz +/-15%)
Micro Mode :80W in 125 Ohms (350 KHz +/-15%)
Bipolar Cut: 150W in 500 Ohms (350 KHz +/-15%)
Power display accuracy : +/-15% OR 5W whichever is greater
Mains supply : 230V (+/- 15%) 50Hz (+/- 5Hz)
Internal power supply: SMPS
Maximum current :4.0 A
Power consumption in standby mode :30W
Operating temperature range : +10 to +40 °C
Dimensions :W 420 x H 155 x D 350 mm
Weight: 7.2 Kg.
Standard Accessories
Disposable Hand Switch 1No.
Patient Plate Silicon Split
Bipolar Forcep - Yes
Foot Switch 2 Pedal+1 Pedal
Monoseal Prime
Vessel Sealing System - Monoseal Prime – Vessel Sealing System with ESU (Electrosurgical Unit)
Vessel Sealing System Monoseal Prime is a forerunner in the field of vessel sealing systems. It presents an improved and safe vessel sealing procedure in the medical sector. Equipped with all safety features like an alarm system and protection from current leakage, this equipment is ideal for minimal access and open surgery.
· Vessel fusion with no foreign material
· Body and cardiac protected design
· Patient plate alarm system
· HF leakage current >150mA
· Vessel fusion with permanent fuses
· Involve no dissection & isolation
· Sealing with no sticking or charring
· Does not rely on proximal thrombus
· Feedback-controlled response system
· Automatically stops energy delivery as soon as the seal cycle is complete
Pure cut - A high-frequency alternating current that causes little or no hemostasis with smooth, rapid cuts
Blend 1 - Offers surgeon varying degrees of hemostasis
Blend 2 - Vaporization of prostatic tissue or any fat tissue by using higher output wattage
Endo cut -Automatically regulate the cut system for reducing the complication involved in endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) and serum hyperamylasemia after EST
Spray - The Coag mode spray output is used for direct coagulation on tissue with a spark. The produced spark is not able to provide any cutting effect with high CREST FACTOR.
Force - High on the degree of homeostasis the Force mode covers the demands of standard coagulation. The result is the production of a fine waveform that creates a resistance in the tissue which in turn results in coagulation, where the hyper evaporation will destroy the tissue. The process provides the ability of the removal of surface structures without causing any damage to deep or peripheral tissues and this also cauterizes large surface areas quickly when required.
Fulgurate - The sparking in tissue leads to coagulation. There is no direct contact between tissue and electrode but the voltage is raised to create a spark between the electrodes which in turn coagulates the tissues in between the process.
Desiccate - The desiccation is the mode where the active electrode is in direct contact with tissue for the coagulation process. This type of coagulation process is used in most of the surgeries and assure pinpoint desiccation with less damage to peripheral tissues.
Bi-coag: For privations of carbonization and highly precise control over the coagulation process
Bi-cut: Eliminates excessive current, even during precision cutting in minute tissue structure
Auto mode: Initiate coagulation by pressing the footswitch and automatically stops output and audio signal after coagulation
Seal: Creates vessel fusion with a unique combination of pressure and energy and left no material behind after the process
Program mode: 99 User settable program mode
Frequency: 480khz
Display: 7segment LED
Weight : 7.5Kg (approx)
Dimension : 410mm(L) x 355mm(W) x 155mm(H)
Gastric bypass
Abdominal hysterectomy
Colon resection
Vaginal hysterectomy
Liver resection
Nissen fundoplication
Radical hysterectomy
Radical prostatectomy
Lap-assisted vaginal hysterectomy (LAVH)
Technical Specifications :
Pure | 400 W | 300 E | 1.5 |
Blend 1 | 250 W | 300 E | 1.5 |
Blend 2 | 200 W | 300 E | 1.5 |
Endocut | 99 % | 300 E | 1.5 |
Spray | 120 W | 300 E | 7 |
Force | 120 W | 300 E | 6.5 |
Fulgurate | 150 W | 300 E | 6 |
Dessicate | 150 W | 300 E | 6 |
Bipolar & Seal
BI-COAG | 80 W | 100 E | 1.5 |
BI-CUT | 80 W | 100 E | 1.5 |
AUTO | 100 W | 100 E | 1.5 |
SEAL | 150 W | 100 E | 1.5 |
Standard Accessories
Chuck Handle With Electrodes Autoclavable:01 No
Bipolar Forcep With Cable Autoclavable: 01 No.
Monopolar Double Pedal Footswitch: 01 No.
Disposable Hand Switch Pencil - Imported: 01 No.
Patient Plate With Cord Autoclavable: 01 No.
Sealing Accessories are optional
For Sealing, accessories does not include in the price. Customers can buy sealing accessories from us at extra cost.
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