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Original price was: $295.$270Current price is: $270.
MINI CRYO GUN 300 ml with 4 Probes
Mini Cryo Gun Liquid Nitrogen Cryo System For Dermatology Excellent Quality
BASCO make Mini Cryo Gun for everyday simplified cryo Surgery at affordable price. Common skin lesions usually Required treatments that are lengthy, painful and demanded Post-operative care. They may be time-consuming and Complicated for physicians. Today’s primary care practitioners, skin specialists, gynecologists, and general surgeons are Using the Mini Cryo for everyday cryosurgery. It is an indispensable, simplified tool that you may never have Realised was so affordable. Liquid Nitrogen for the treatment Of skin tumors, skin tags and malignant basal cell Carcinoma and the majority of dermatologists have adopted and can be treated by freezing using Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) Cryo spray. Skin-tags usually shrivel up and fall off within a few days of freezing.
LNC treatment requires only about one-third of the time by CO2 snow or nitrous oxide system (Regular cryo gun) to achieve the appropriate degree of freezing because of the relative temperatures (-196 degrees C when compared with -79 degrees C).
Liquid nitrogen can be applied directly by spraying the gun.
It is convenient to arrange a freezing session on a specific day and can be treated on any number of patients on the same day. No form of anesthesia is required for freezing, it can be carried out single-handed and no scarring results.
Liquid nitrogen treatment can be done most conveniently and economically and usually arrange to have the container (cryo-can) filled at a local hospital, laboratory or even a factory,
Cryogen Temperature Boiling Point Applied to Skin
Liquid Nitrogen -196 -196
Nitrous Oxide -88.4 ——–
Carbon-DI-oxide — -78.5
Halocarbon 22 -40.8 -70*
Halocarbon 12 -29.8 -60*
Halocarbon 114 — -30*
Original price was: $295.$270Current price is: $270.